Welcome to the Schwarz lab

We are interested to understand protein structure-function relations in different biological processes ranging from basic metabolism to molecular neuroscience. Our research is based on a variety of methods including molecular biology, protein biochemistry, enzymology, structural biology (protein crystallography), cell biology, bioinorganic chemistry and biotechnology. Interdisciplinarity is a key to investigate complex biological problems and therefore we established collaborations with laboratories working in divers field such as Human Genetics, Neurobiology, Crystallography, Spectroscopy and Medicine.
Our interests:
Our different research directions trace all back to molybdenum, a trace element important for the function of enzymes involved in fundamental reactions in the global cycles of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur. Topics are
- Postsynaptic clustering of inhibitory neuro-receptors by gepyhrin and structural studies on GABAA receptors
- Biosynthesis of the pterin-based molybdenum as well and tungsten cofactors
- Moco deficiency in human, its molecular basis, diagnosis and therapy
- Structure and posttranslational regulation of nitrate reductase
If you are interested to join the group please contact us.